Kindergarten Environment Tour


"Every school in the world should be like this one"
─Dr. Brent Wilson

Because of a desire to realize a dream, we started this school,
a starting point for the children's lifelong learning


Classroom equipment and space configuration create immersive learning stations (corners) that guide children to learn, project, and think independently.Classroom equipment and space configuration


Meet the kids for a day at Season Arts Kindergarten !



There are is an abundance of decorations
and materials in each classroom to spark the children's curiosity and stimulate their senses.



The spacious activity room is a space for active sports and physical games.



Give the children access to sunlight and nature to play with their friends in a fun and realistic environment.



Play in the sandpit enhances the children's sensory experience.



Allows children to have fun after school and enhances their physical development.



Provide children with the opportunity to explore and play in the water !



An expansive library, filled with both Chinese and English books, fosters a love for literature and reading. Let's read together!

Kindergarten Features


The teaching and curriculum at Season Arts is motivated and surrounded by four core concepts that are solicitude, experience, play, and action. Every unique curriculum is a development from life science to art creation as well as a problem-solving teaching project.

The integrated creative curriculum based on the project approach and children oriented teaching method is the cornerstone of the designing and planning of all courses.

The Project Approach


In every classroom at Season Arts, there are six corners of organized props, toys, and educational resources along with other items that the children can freely play with during the designated corner time.

Corner time is scheduled every day and teachers will interact with the students as well as monitor and observe the students behavior and interests which is an essential component of the students learning for the teacher to determine the direction of themes. The freedom to explore various environments and experience 'play' is a valuable and crucial learning experience.

Sensory and Exploration Areas


The After school English Learning Program at Season Arts aims to provide a "whole child" educational program as we provide a practical, natural and healthy language learning environment. Within our Theme based approach, we design activities that are enjoyable, dynamic and active. Our children will learn from inquiry, discovery, creativity, problem solving and self-direction and the potential of each student, including listening, speaking, and reading and writing, is maximized in a multi-faceted, high quality learning environment.

After School English Learning Program


Before children enter primary school, they are not able to fully communicate their thoughts and experiences through extensive text and language use. Therefore, tools such as lines, shapes, spatial and visual language, and all kinds of art resources become their best instruments to express their thoughts.

As such, at Season Arts, art curriculum plays a role of integrating concepts in different fields. They not only serve as a tool for children to explore new grounds, they also provide various aesthetic experiences.

Fine Arts Course


Physical Education P.E. is taught through physical activities and games guided by licensed Physical Education Teachers to let the students build the following skills.

The PE teachers also help students develop endurance, speed, power, agility and flexibility. From the PE course, students will gain crucial personal development, strength, confidence and a love for energetic, exercise based activities.

P.E. Class


The teaching of music lessons is based on the Orff Approach, which focuses on using folk rhymes from different culture to teach music. The students learn about the melody, harmony, rhythm, style of music and how to perform instruments, and gain an appreciation for music. At Season Arts, the teaching aims to guide children into the environment of music and become interested in it through musical games, listening, musical imagination, musical stories, singing children's songs, etc.

Also, the music syllabus is integrated with the existing thematic curriculum, and children would gain a better learning resonance with the lessons as a result.

Music Teaching


At Season Arts, character and life education are naturally fitted into the thematic activities. Starting from children's everyday lives, they learn from different themes, games and exploration of how to be responsible for themselves and how to take care of things. Children will be able to develop abilities and form values.

They will also know how to live healthily, how to learn from setbacks, how to solve problems, and how to stay positive when faced with difficulties.

Moral Education


Ren Mei No. 19, Chongde 19th Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung
04 2241 0550
Shr Jen No.467, Da Duen 11th St., Nantun Dist.,Taichung
04 2380 2222
Shi Tun No.89, Shang An Rd., Xitun Dist.,Taichung
04 2706 8000
Bei Tun No.208, Lu Shan Rd. Section 1, Beitun Dist.,Taichung
04 2243 3333
Li Ming No.969, Dadun 12th St., Nantun Dist.,Taichung
04 2380 8822

Design and Planning

Construction Works